Do You Know Your Blood Type? It Will Simplify Your Life

I got a phone call on a Tuesday morning. It was like many I have heard before. “ Hi my name is Lynn, I got your info from my friend– she said you might be able to help me in some problems I have been having for the past year. My doctors think I may have an autoimmune disorder. They can’t find anything conclusive after running lot’s of tests, but I have lots of issues with my skin and digestion. I’m, really scared. I have …Read More

The 5 Flows of Energy, Diaphragms and Breathing

Sarasota Acupuncture

Most people wonder just how acupuncture and other methods actually work and what happens during a session.  For many of my patients the need to know is replaced by trust and I can appreciate that because too often the relationship of doctor patient has been on of a surrender of power.  We are attempting to change and shift the way things have been done. Like many things in nature, your body is a beautiful complicated puzzle.  At the core of …Read More