
Natural Cold and Flu Remedies to Add to Your Routine in 2018

natural cold and flu remedies

Everyone wants to know how to prevent the dreaded seasonal cold and flu, sore throat, body aches and cough. Some of the questions I hear most often include: Is there a secret natural cold remedy or cure? Should you get the flu shot or are there alternatives?   Is there anything else you can do to assure not getting sick this season or if you do, how can you get over it quickly?  Are there natural antibiotics and antivirals I …Read More

The 5 Flows of Energy, Diaphragms and Breathing

Sarasota Acupuncture

Most people wonder just how acupuncture and other methods actually work and what happens during a session.  For many of my patients the need to know is replaced by trust and I can appreciate that because too often the relationship of doctor patient has been on of a surrender of power.  We are attempting to change and shift the way things have been done. Like many things in nature, your body is a beautiful complicated puzzle.  At the core of …Read More