5 Tips to Naturally Heal During the Postpartum Phase


5 Tips to Naturally Heal During the Postpartum Phase Do you know how to naturally heal and support your body during the postpartum phase? Healing from the birth, adjusting to a new sleep cycle, getting back in shape, breastfeeding or addressing health challenges that existed before or during pregnancy are some of the concerns most moms have.  This post birth phase sets the foundation for physical, mental and emotional well being for years to come. The 3 trimesters of the …Read More


When most people hear the word “Homeopathic” they immediately think of something natural.  A doctor that treats naturally, a natural remedy for something may also be referred to as “homeopathic”.  I have heard many of my patients tell me “I just want to do a more homeopathic approach to my health issue!”  Often this means that they want to work with the body and believe it can heal without tons of medications or chemicals.  I absolutely agree and with that …Read More