
Natural Cold and Flu Remedies to Add to Your Routine in 2018

natural cold and flu remedies

Everyone wants to know how to prevent the dreaded seasonal cold and flu, sore throat, body aches and cough. Some of the questions I hear most often include: Is there a secret natural cold remedy or cure? Should you get the flu shot or are there alternatives?   Is there anything else you can do to assure not getting sick this season or if you do, how can you get over it quickly?  Are there natural antibiotics and antivirals I …Read More

Probiotics 101

Probiotics 101, The basics of probiotics, choosing a probiotic

Probiotics 101, The Basics Probiotics as supplements have been touted as a “cure all” for digestive issues, regularity, immune support, quelling yeast, diarrhea and regulating brain chemistry, even the most mainstream of doctors are recommending them for their patients.  If you have been into natural medicine for a while or are just getting your feet wet, you have undoubtedly heard about probiotics. The truth is they are a core aspect of health and recent research supports the many beneficial claims. …Read More

Probiotics for Women, Children and Infants

Wholistic Pregnancy Care

Probiotics Safely Remedy Health Issues Experienced by Women, Children and Infants If you have been into natural medicine for a while or are just getting your feet wet, you have undoubtedly heard about probiotics.  Touted as a “cure all” for digestive issues, constipation, immune support, quelling yeast, diarrhea and regulating brain chemistry, even the most mainstream of doctors are recommending them for their patients.  Research supports the many of the beneficial claims.   According to Chinese Medicine, the health of the …Read More

What is Adrenal Fatigue?

The adrenal glands sit atop the kidneys and secrete adrenaline and cortisol in response to stress. Adrenal fatigue occurs when your adrenal glands cannot adequately meet the demands of stress anymore. Stress hormones regulate energy production and fat storage, sugar metabolisim, immune function, heart rate, muscle tone, and other processes that enable you to maintain health. Physical, emotional, or psychological stress is all the same to the body-in fact psycological stress could be even worse. Over-stimulation of your adrenals can …Read More

Do You Know Your Blood Type? It Will Simplify Your Life

I got a phone call on a Tuesday morning. It was like many I have heard before. “ Hi my name is Lynn, I got your info from my friend– she said you might be able to help me in some problems I have been having for the past year. My doctors think I may have an autoimmune disorder. They can’t find anything conclusive after running lot’s of tests, but I have lots of issues with my skin and digestion. I’m, really scared. I have …Read More